We Need Prayer Requests!
We are called to help one another, and one way we can help one another is through prayer. Keeping our problems and our needs for prayer to ourselves limits the ability for people who can help, to help. The world and everyone in it needs prayer. In some ways it may be obvious and in some ways it may not be.
We would like to encourage you to share prayer needs for yourself or someone that you know so that together we can be united in prayer for a need for prayer that you or someone you know has. What you choose to share is up to you and will be seen and prayed for by our prayer teams, and our entire organization as well as people from all around the world that visit the website to share and receive prayer and to find and pray for the prayer needs of others.
Anyone can see these prayer requests, so it is up to you to share what you are comfortable sharing. Click Here to Request Prayer
Please help us to pray for all those who are in need of prayer.
Lady named Wen
Please pray for her Spiritual well being.
We Need Prayer Ministry
Please pray that the ministry is always moved by the Holy Spirit.
Pain and Suffering
Please pray for everyone who is in pain and suffering in the world.
Please pray that families imitate the family of Christ.