We Need Prayer Requests!
We are called to help one another, and one way we can help one another is through prayer. Keeping our problems and our needs for prayer to ourselves limits the ability for people who can help, to help. The world and everyone in it needs prayer. In some ways it may be obvious and in some ways it may not be.
We would like to encourage you to share prayer needs for yourself or someone that you know so that together we can be united in prayer for a need for prayer that you or someone you know has. What you choose to share is up to you and will be seen and prayed for by our prayer teams, and our entire organization as well as people from all around the world that visit the website to share and receive prayer and to find and pray for the prayer needs of others.
Anyone can see these prayer requests, so it is up to you to share what you are comfortable sharing. Click Here to Request Prayer
Please help us to pray for all those who are in need of prayer.
Kyle and Jenny and Family
To find comfort and peace in the time of a lost one.
Good College Transition
Cara asked us to pray that her son Brody has a good transition into college.
Dan’s Wife
Dan’s wife who is bedridden from Multiple Sclerosis
The Enslaved / Suppressed
Everyone Enslaved in one way or another from their freedom
Neglected Animals
Please pray for all neglected animals in the world.
World Peace
Please pray that the world continues to move towards world peace.
Please pray for Kenneth who was homeless so he gets back on his feet.
To find a good way to live and provide for his family.
To be more Christ like, and as productive as possible in life.
A grandfather’s vision
That he will not be permanently blind
Bronchitis to go away
Help reading the Bible
People who cant move
that they can walk again
Missions in life
Please pray for anyone who needs clarity in their life’s mission.
Those in the Hospital
Please pray for anyone who is in a hospital.
To not have anymore panic attacks