Travel Prayers

Bless us all in this world

Bless us all in this world, 0 Lord, we pray, for loved ones, here and near, and far away. And everyone for whom we pray. Keep us safe each night and day, the homeless who have no place to stay. Those who are suffering in any way. The dying, those mourning or grieving and all who need God’s mercy. Keep us safe, Heavenly Father, when we are at home, traveling on our way, when we are vulnerable, or in danger in any way, always be with us and guide us on our way. Amen

Prayer for our country

Father, we beg Your blessing for the unborn, the weak, the sick and the old; all who are finding themselves being targets of the vicious culture of death; that our Lord Jesus Christ bless and protect all who stand up for the Christian dignity of persons. That God enlighten those who are traveling down death’s highway by their involvement, in any way, with either the contemporary death culture, selfism, relativism, or any of the new age errors of our times, that God envelop our culture with His Divine protection and help us both individually and as a nation to true enlightenment, conversion and repentance of ourselves and our culture. Help us to turn from our national sin of abortion, and return to, and once again become a Christian nation, on the narrow road, that is, the path to becoming a nation and culture, under God. Amen

Go where you send us

Dear God please help us in the difficulties that we face in being your hands and feet here on earth. Keep us safe as we remain in your command to go where you send us. Please give us the grace we need to fulfill our missions in life and the endurance to continue to do your true good will, whether knowingly or by your Holy Spirit without us knowing, working through us. Please help us to keep living life to the fullest and keep us moving safely in our travels.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

Do you have a special prayer you think would be good for us to add? Is there something being left out or needs to be corrected?
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