Prayers to resist Temptation
I do not always realize that I am being tempted until I’ve already fallen into temptation. Please Dear God help me to be more sensitive to what is right and wrong, and become aware of when I am being tempted and help me to overcome the temptations that surround me so that I do not lose my way.
Dear God I am having difficulty overcoming the same temptations to sin. Every time I keep trying to not sin but I keep committing the same sins. I feel helpless. I know that there is no temptation that I cannot overcome, but I do not know how. Please teach me how to overcome the temptations to sin that I am having difficulty with. Please help me to realize that I obviously do not have things under control, and that I need to allow you to be in control, and to do that I must build up a better relationship with you, try to listen to what you say, and follow your directions into life.
Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.
Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.
Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.
Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.
Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.
Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.