Prayers for those who are Sick or Dying
Dear God, you know that I am not feeling well, and I do not know exactly what to do. I know that I can’t keep going on living this way. Please help me, show me the way, and teach me how to live. Please heal my mind, my body, my heart, and my soul.
Dear God please help all those who are sick and not feeling well. Please help them to find and understand what it is that is causing them to be sick and not feel well. Please help them to learn what to do to overcome their sickness so that they will be cured and feel well again, and so that they know that it is because of you and your guidance that they have been made well again.
Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.
Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.
Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.
Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.
Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.
Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.