Prayers of Praise

Always praise You

God you are my God, and I will always praise you. I will praise you in the morning, I will praise you in the afternoon, I will praise you in the evening, I will praise you all of my life. Oh God you are my god and I will always praise you.

You are my life

Dear God I subjugate myself before you. I trust in you, I love you, I do not know what to do without you, I wait patiently to hear your voice, I live to do your will, I love you with all my heart. You are my life.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

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