Holidays Prayers

Holy Days

Dear God please remind me of the fact that a holiday is a Holy day and as such should be a day that is spent with friends and family, but most of all with you.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

Do you have a special prayer you think would be good for us to add? Is there something being left out or needs to be corrected?
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