Prayers to God

In God's Presence

Father God, we rest before your majesty in pure awe and adoration for your being. Our hearts are weary with the pace of this world and we seek refuge in your embrace, beyond time. Father, in you we entrust our hearts. The center of our personhood Lord, we kneel at your feet as you cleanse us again and again. We sense as you do this every day, taking us up into your robe and protecting us from evil. Father, we trust in you this day, and ask for an awareness that strengthens us to use your love for good purposes. In the name of Christ, Amen..

How Great You are

Oh Dear God, how great you are! There are so many areas in my life that need improvement. You have always been there for me in my darkest hours, and on my best days. I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me and continue to do for me. I cannot do it on my own, I cannot live without you. My mind, my body, my heart and my soul desires to be closer to you. I need you! I need your unconditional love! I need your tough love! I need whatever it is that you know is best for me. Forgive me forever, and I will forever be yours. I will always try my best to love you above all else, and I will give you thanks and praise for the rest of my life.

Thank You God

Dear God, Thank YOU for all you have done and continue to do for me, and for my friends and family, and for all the people in the world.

Honor and please God

Dear God I do not know how to fully tell you that I love. Therefore I dedicate my life to that of doing good deeds that are intended to honor and please you.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

A Prayer to Add Prayers

Dear God please replace this placeholder text with a new prayer.

Do you have a special prayer you think would be good for us to add? Is there something being left out or needs to be corrected?
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